Thursday, April 21, 2016


Hello this is Bob Nelms and I’d like to talk a minute or two about culture.

Culture:  a way of life of a group of people – the attitudes, beliefs, values, and assumptions that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed on by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.

I wonder if we can trace the causes of any and even all of our problems back to culture?
That’s the same thing as wondering if we can trace the causes of any and all of our problems back to our attitudes, beliefs and assumptions.

Let me ask you this. 

What if part of the causes of the image you’re seeing was a faulty high level alarm on vessel?  What if people know about that faulty high-level alarm, but didn’t do anything about it? 

I wonder why they didn’t do anything about it?  Do you think we could trace the reasons why back to their attitudes, beliefs, values, and assumptions?

If so, that’s culture.

As a person who’s been dealing with things that go wrong since 1974, I can categorically tell you that CULTURE is responsible for all that goes right and all that goes wrong. 

But I wouldn’t want to leave this discussion without pointing out something else.
Culture is people!

You can’t talk about culture without talking about people.

Everything that goes right and everything that goes wrong can be traced back to people – their attitudes, beliefs and assumptions.

Use yourself as a test-bed and you’ll see what I mean!

See you next time.

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